
Liquidators can know if a position is liquidatable by calling the isLiquidatable function on the ClearingHosue contract

isLiquidatable(IAMM amm, address trader)

Similarly, they can know if an AMM liquidity position is liquidatable by calling the isMakerLiquidatable function on the AMM contract

isMakerLiquidatable(address maker)

In our example repo, we provide an example of how a liquidator can get a list of all AMMs and positions at a given time. A liquidator can create a faster system through our graph deployment or by using their own node without any API calls. A liquidator can then liquidate a position by calling the following function in the ClearingHouse contract:

liquidate(IRouter amm, address liquidatee)

Similarly, they can liquidate a maker by calling the following function in the AMM contract:

liquidateMaker(address maker)

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