Protocol Incentives
nftperp v2 comes with several incentive programs, some of which involve a receipt voucher for our $NFTP token and others of which involve chain/partner rewards. These programs are designed to reward early adopters of the platform and help bootstrap high-value activity. Protocol incentives are all distributed on a monthly epoch schedule, with epochs ending on the 8th of each month
All protocol incentives are split between nftperp deployments on chains based on volume. For example, if nftperp on Arbtitrum does 200 ETH in volume in a given epoch while nftperp on Blast does 300 ETH in volume, all protocol incentives will be split 40/60 between Blast and Arbitrum
New pairs on nftperp begin with a Launchpad period, consisting of boosted incentives that are outlined on our Discord/X accounts.
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